Qigong is an ancient healing practice that accesses the same energy and meridians that we access through acupuncture, without the need for needle sticks or even direct physical contact with our patients. Qigong can make some of the benefits of acupuncture available to patients who are too anxious or painful for the procedure. In addition, Qigong is a safe alternative for patients with aggressive conditions in which more directed acupuncture therapy could actually hasten the progression of a disease process.
Qigong is an energy practice, it is not a medical procedure. We do not have to have a physical examination or medical diagnosis to recommend or use Qigong. Qigong does not have to be provided by a veterinarian. Dr. Zimmerman has been practicing meditation, yoga and Qigong for many years, and has also received formal attunement in Reiki. She has cultivated an awareness of the energy force Qi that allows her to act intuitively as a conduit for facilitating the flow of the life force in such a way as to benefit both the physical and emotional well-being of any patient who is a willing participant.
A Qigong session involves simply a 5-15 minute quiet visit, ideally in a naturally lit area (these visits can occur outdoors), during which Dr. Z may or may not have hands on the pet, depending on the pet’s disposition and preference as communicated that day. During this time, Dr. Z will act as a quiet guide for the flow of Qi, sometimes using a structured technique, and always modifying the approach for your pet’s individual needs.
Qigong is not a medical procedure, and its delivery does not depend on any formal diagnosis. Each and every individual can be helped with this practice in some way. Dr. Z offers these sessions with an open heart and mind, and invites your feedback in order to evaluate all of the potential benefits, as well as the limitations of this practice.